Made for KenneyJam 2024 Theme Connection.

My Brainstorm ended with Connect 4 and Uplink Game with the newsflashs of massive internet outages...

The Internet is down and now you must connect the incomming requests source (<) and the targets (>) in your GUI by hand --- a manual connection. Be quick because if the server input runs full it crash (game over)
If you manage to be quick you get more Internet Points (★) stars.

- a new request comes ~10 seconds
- 20% chance that request (<) or target (>) is one of the current one (so you only need to enter the other code
- one code in entered forward the other backwards
- game timer only start after solving the first connection

Not mechanics:
- the order will not change per request:
- < is up and > is below this will not change
- the big arrorws <> don't change
because its was not fun.

Bonus points:
= Single pack (for artstyle was only UI 2.0 pack used)
Sounds use:
- kenney_music-jingles
- kenney_voiceover-pack

= No text - no text and the game timer
= Mouse Only - its possible
= Symmetry - the input is done in symmetry one forward one mirrored

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